New Year´s Eve-Retreat of the Covenant Community for young people (Age: 14-30)

Back in Berlin for the third New Year´s Eve-Retreat of the Covenant Community! A
time for seeking God and spending quality time with great people – and, of course,
having a lot of fun while exploring Germanys capital!
We start December 28 th and end on January 1 st ! This is due to the school holidays in
Berlin. If you would like to extend your stay until January 2 nd you are welcome to do
A low-budget-stay will have you spend the nights in the church building (Please bring
a sleeping bag and sleeping mat if you prefer that option!). If you´d rather sleep in a
bed, you can book a room at the “Jugendgästehaus Lichterfelde”. Until September
10 th we have reserved a few rooms, so if you prefer this option, please book your stay
there soon.

And what exactly is to expect from these days? This is Leon´s answer:
What does it mean to be a disciple? From the very first to the last book the Bible tells
us the story of a God writing history with his creation, his people. In John 15, verse
16 it says: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you
might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name
the Father will give you.”
No matter if you´ve been a follower of Christ for many years or only for a short period
of time or if you haven´t even made that decision yet: God is calling you and asking
you to follow him. A disciple of Christ is, in fact, a student. And God himself wants to
be your teacher.
In the New Testament we read about how Jesus gathered a group of students among
himself to change the world. These students preached the gospel and the signs and
miracles following their preaching turned this gospel into a reality, so that many
people would believe in God and follow His call for their lives. This hasn´t changed
today! We are still called to spread the gospel and help people become disciples of
Christ (see Matthew 28, 20).
In order to be able to live up to this task God gave us the Holy Spirit. I am convinced
that God wants to use you in order to thoroughly change people´s lives so that they
can believe in Jesus. I am also sure that God is more than ready to heal you and the
people surrounding you, to set people free from destructive thoughts and patterns
and show them new and bright perspectives for their future.
We will look at how we can “cooperate” with the Holy Spirit in our daily life, how we
can learn to listen to and discern his voice and what we can do to cultivate the fruits
of the Holy Spirit. His DYNAMIS (Greek for “power”) lives in us (see Mark 16, 17-18)!

We look forward to meeting you in Berlin!

You can register with THIS form (in german) or you send simply a mail to gemeinschaftsbund[AT]
Give 90 or 60 Euro for accomodation in church – or how much you can give.

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